Loan for the purchase of agricultural machinery
Your goal will become achievable!

Loan for the purchase of agricultural machinery

The possibility of providing a flexible repayment schedule at the choice of the client, taking into account the specifics of agricultural activity

Possibility of early repayment without penalties and payment of interest only for actually used days

Possibility of receiving funds for a longer period

от 25%TJS / от 22% USD / от 28% RUB

rate for the entire term of the loan

up to 1 000 000 somoni

loan amount

up to 60 days

loan term


Rate: [[step1.interestRate]]%

Month Percent Payment Remaining payment
[[ i.period ]] [[ i.interest ]] [[ i.principal ]] [[ i.balance ]]
In case of early repayment for the unused period, no interest is paid

Total loan cost:

[[monthlyPayment.totalAmount]] [[this.step1.currencySelect.currencyName]]

The monthly payment is calculated using the annuity method