
Our mission

Provision of appropriate financial services of high quality to entrepreneurs and individuals with the purpose of stimulating the economic and social growth of Tajikistan.

Our vision

Leading, dynamically developing and sustainable bank using advanced technologies in Tajikistan.

Since its foundation in 2002, "Arvand" was a part of a regional project in Ferghana Valley which was conducted by the representation of ACDI / VOCA in Tajikistan. Since that time Bank "Arvand" directs all its effort to achieve understanding, meeting the needs and expanding mutually beneficial cooperation with the clients. The organization provides loans with no pledge which allow low-income families and micro-entrepreneurs to increase their income and improve living standards. Other services offered by Bank "Arvand" are opening deposit accounts, remittances, online banking, currency exchange and cash management services. Along with financial services Bank "Arvand" also provides non-financial services such as trainings and consultations.

Today Arvand has about 70 service points and employs about 900 qualified workers.

The shareholders of  CJSC  Bank "Arvand" are:

  • MCC "Frontiers"
  • Rural Impulse Fund II S.A. SICAV-SIF
  • Access Microfinance Holding AG
  • Triodos Sicav II
  • Legal Owner Triodos Funds B.V. 

History of  CJSC  Bank "Arvand". How it started?


2002 - Centre for Development and Support of Microentrepreneurs (MDTM) was was founded by the international organization ACDI / VOCA.

2003 - MDTM was officially registered as a public association of the regional level in the Department of Justice of the Sughd Region.

2005 - In pursuance of the adopted Law “On Microfinance Organizations” in March 2004, MDTM was re-registered as Microlending Fund. In 2005, Microlending Fund "MicroInvest" was officially registered.

2008 - MLF "MicroInvest" takes the next development step and in October 2008 it will be transformed into the Limited Liability Microcredit deposit organization "Arvand".

2019 - Credit organizations LLC MDO “Arvand” and CJSC “AccessBank Tajikistan” announce the successful implementation of an important stage in the process of merging and transformation into CJSC Bank “Arvand”. September 30, 2019 The official presentation of the Banking License was held by the Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan.


In 2014 Arvand was officially awarded a certificate «SMART Campaign» and became the 17th company in the world, the first and only company in Tajikistan, which fully complies with and fulfills 7 client protection principles, 30 standards and 95 indicators!


Bank "Arvand"

Our support - your success!