Award ceremony for participants of the EBRD RSBP program in the Republic of Tajikistan.

Award ceremony for participants of the EBRD RSBP program in the Republic of Tajikistan.


On December 5, a solemn award ceremony for participants of the RSBP program of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) took place in Dushanbe. This year, about 80 Arvand Bank employees received well-deserved awards for their achievements within the framework of the program, which emphasizes the high level of professionalism and dedication.

It is important to note that Bank "Arvand" took one of the first places among all program participants in the Central Asian region in terms of the number of awards, which indicates the outstanding results of the team. The RSBP program, carried out by the EBRD with the assistance of the NBT, is aimed at increasing the standardization of the knowledge of credit and front office personnel at all levels in the field of lending and servicing clients of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

During his speech at the award ceremony, the Head of the RSBP program in Central Asia, Azamat Baltabaev, noted that Bank "Arvand" is the leader in Tajikistan in the number of successfully completed courses by bank employees (1218) under this program.

We are proud of the achievements of our employees and are confident that their efforts will contribute to further development and improvement of the quality of customer service in our region. We congratulate everyone on their recognition and wish you continued success in the future!