Katarina SCHACHTNER has a professional education as a banking economist, a bachelor degree in business administration and a master degree in business administration.
She began her career in 1991 in Berlin as an economist.
She has extensive experience in the areas of: global project management, development of digital financial services in banks under the MSME.
She also has experience working with partners, investors and shareholders: AccessHolding, AfDB, CDC Group, EBRD, EIB, FMO, IFC, KfW, Impulse microfinance investment fund, Omidyar - Tufts microfinance fund, Asian Development Bank (ADB), Austrian Development Bank (OeEB), ResponsAbility, Symbiotics, BlueOrchard, Bank im Bistum Essen, DWM, Incofin, Triodos, Triple Jump.She has the highest degree of seniority in banks as the director of the Supervisory Board and the general director.
In 2003-2005, Katarina was appointed as regional manager and bank relations manager at J-USBP (Japanese-Uzbek Small Business Program) in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
From 2006-2008, Katarina was a project manager of the Tajik Fund for Micro and Small Enterprises (TMSEF), a project to reduce the size of MSMEs with four partner banks in the Republic of Tajikistan. Further, she has experience in countries such as: Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
Knows German (native language) English, Russian, Uzbek and Italian.